Fence installation in Denver costs less money than you likely think. Many homeowners over-estimate the costs in their minds and use that as an excuse to put off the call to professional fence installers. Fences add curb appeal and value to a home, keeping them stylish now and valuable later. Fences also keep homes private from the road and nosey neighbors and homeowners protected from the unknown, serve as boundary markers, and offer other exciting benefits that you miss without a fence installed. Find out the average costs of Denver fence installation below. Then, call Denco to request your free, no-obligation custom estimate and to schedule your fence installation service.

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Average Cost of Fence Installation in Denver

Homeowners spend an average of $2,839 on Denver fence installation, with prices ranging from $1,677 to $4,075, according to Bob Villa. Every fence installation job is unique, therefore, so are the costs of the project. Expect to incur a cost of $13 to $56 per linear foot on fencing. Factors impacting Denver fence installation costs include materials, fence style, location of the home and fence, and size of the fence. Keep in mind materials account for about 70% of the total costs to install a fence.

Factors Impacting Denver Fence Installation Costs

Let’s take a closer look at factors impacting the cost of fence installation in Denver.

  • Material: As noted, fencing material accounts for most of the costs of the project. Homeowners can choose from a variety of materials, including vinyl and chain-link, at various price points.
  • Length & Height: Fencing prices are per linear foot, meaning the fence height and length both affect its overall cost.
  • Design: More elaborate, intricate fence designs cost more money to build and install. They complement the property better than simpler styles, of course at a cost. Stick to simple designs to keep Denver fence installation costs as low as possible.
  • Location: Fence location affects its price. Fence installation in Denver is most expensive in rural areas.
  • Contractor: Cheaper contractors often lack the experience and expertise necessary to complete complex projects and may offer subpar results on other installations. Choose a contractor like Denco to combine expertise and great prices.
  • Permits: In most areas of Denver, homeowners need a permit to build a fence. There are fees associated with fencing permits. A qualified Denver fence installation company like Denco can take care of the headaches associated with obtaining permits and includes the cost in your free estimate.
  • Landscape: Landscape design affects the costs of fence installation in Denver. Installing a fence on sloped, uneven landscaping or property with obstructions (such as trees or bushes) can significantly increase the costs of the project.
  • Old Fence Removal: Removal of old fencing also tacks on the cost of the Denver fence installation project. Homeowners may opt to tear down an old wooden or chain link fence themselves, but metal and iron fences usually require specialty equipment to effectively remove. Expect a cost of $3 to $5 per linear foot for fence removal and disposal.
    Fence Materials and Styles

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Since fence material and style affects cost more than other factors, let’s discuss some of the different types of fence available to accommodate your property.

  • Invisible Fencing: Installed in the ground at property lines, invisible fencing helps keep pets inside of the property by sending a small shock to a dog’s collar if it gets near the wires. The cost to install an invisible fence averages $200 although costs can go as high as $2,500, depending on the fence size and the number of pets in the home.
  • Chain Link Fencing: Chain link fences are designed with your choice of aluminum, powder-coated steel, or galvanized. Rarely, does chain link fencing comes in vinyl material. Galvanized steel is corrosion-resistant and all choices are affordable and easy to install. The chain-link fence is not the most stylish fencing material but does keep kind and pets safe and can work as a boundary marker between properties. Expect to pay between $1,100 and $2,800 for the fencing and installation.
  • Wood Fencing: Wood fencing is practical and aesthetically appealing. It comes in your choice of wood species with pine the most affordable. Wood fences come in assorted styles and accommodate design wonderfully. Wood fences cost as little as $1.50 per linear foot up to $15 to $18 per linear foot, or a total cost of $1,000 to $4,000, depending on the wood species and fence style chosen.
  • Privacy Fence: A privacy fence adds comfort to homes. They keep unwanted eyes from looking in on your family. Privacy fences shield the home from neighbors, the road, and more. Choose from materials like wood, vinyl, or metal. A 150-ft. Privacy fences average a cost between $1,500 and $9,000. The average price is $2,750.
  • Aluminum Fencing: Aluminum fencing is oftentimes made from metal material. It is low-maintenance, durable, secure, and resistant to corrosion. Expect a price averaging $30 to $40 per linear foot if you want aluminum fence installation in Denver.
  • Wrought Iron Fencing: For elegance and class, install wrought iron fencing on your property. It is immaculate in style and design, easily customizable to your specifications, and extremely durable. Wrought-iron fencing installation usually is more difficult than other types of fence installation. Expect to pay a cost averaging $2,500 to install a wrought-iron fence.
  • Vinyl/Composite Fencing: Vinyl and composite fencing are very popular amongst Denver homeowners. It comes in a plethora of fantastic colors and design options, it is easy to maintain and can survive the climate here in the city, including the extreme winds. Vinyl and composite fences average a cost ranging between $2,000 and $5,000 or $20 to $40 per linear foot.

fence builder denver

How to Get the Best Price on Fence Installation in Denver

Research helps uncover the best fence type for your home and keeps costs in check. There are many ways to research fencing options and contractors. Don’t sell yourself short and use all of the techniques to find a Denver fence installation that works for your needs.

Here are a few ideas to help get the best price on fence installation in Denver.

  • Ask Around
    Friends, family, co-workers, and other trusted people can provide information about fence contractors in Denver. This information can help find the best in business and help keep you away from the rest.
  • Online
    Head online to check out reviews customers have posted. Check out social media pages and other online information about a fence installation company. It’s all free and can save headaches during the selection process.
  • Compare Costs
    • Comparing costs with several fence installers helps find the best installation price. No two companies charge the same price to install a fence which makes comparisons important to anyone looking to save money.
    • Compare costs of fencing materials, installation, and other fees to ensure you get the best deal possible. Spending time comparing the costs of these items can help save a tremendous amount of money on your Denver fence installation project.
    • Compare companies, looking for a provider that’s licensed, bonded, and insured. Other important characteristics a worthwhile fencing company offers include open communication, free estimates, guarantees on all work, experience, and professionalism. Denco offers these qualities and more.

Request estimates from at least three fence installation companies. Keep in mind the lowest price doesn’t necessitate the worst service just as the highest prices do not reflect the best work.

Call Denco at 303.223.6902 to request a free estimate today to learn the exact cost you’ll pay for fence installation in Denver.