Fence disputes can create a lot of tension between otherwise friendly neighbors. It is the most common cause of legal disputes between homeowners in Denver. The trouble arises most often when neighbors fail to communicate their plans with each other or ignore common courtesies everyone should follow.
While a fence can provide neighbors with much-needed privacy, provide a boundary for kids and animals, and bring numerous other benefits, the wrong fence can also feel overbearing and otherwise affect the neighbor’s lifestyle.
Build a Neighbor-Friendly Fence in Denver
Homeowners minimize tension and problems with the neighbors when they choose neighbor-friendly fences.’ Offering the same benefits as a traditional fence, the neighbor-friendly fence keeps everyone happy by creating an aesthetically appealing fixture with two “good” sides so no one is left looking at ugly slats, nails, and boards.
Sometimes called a Good Neighbor fence, the neighbor-friendly fence comes in different heights, sizes, and styles but does not feel overbearing the same way regular fencing can.
Fence Etiquette
We should all do our best to be kind and consecrate to others, especially neighbors whom we see so often. When you consider how your actions affect the neighbors before building a fence that can potentially affect their lifestyle, you are doing what you can to respect others.
You should also follow fence etiquette to help keep the peace with neighbors and eliminate potential disputes in the future. It is the right thing to do -and exactly what you would expect if the situation were reversed.
Some of the important fence rules of etiquette you should follow:
- Review the rules of fence installation with the HOA board if your home is managed by a homeowners association. Some HOA regulations place restrictions on the areas of fence placement, height, and location. Impress the neighbors and ease your own frustration by learning what is and is not allowed before communicating your desire to install a fence.
- Discuss your plans to build a fence with the neighbors well before calling Denco Fencing out. The neighbor may or may not want to be part of the process, but learning what they like, agree, and disagree with, and their thoughts can minimize tensions and disputes. It’s the neighborly thing to do to maintain a good relationship with your neighbors.
- If you choose a traditional fence, etiquette suggests giving the ‘good’ side to the neighbor. Better yet, install a good neighbor fence so neither person gets an ugly side.
Avoid Legal Issues Over Fence Encroachment
Disputes over encroachment of legal boundaries are the most common fencing issue between neighbors. Nip this problem in the bud before fence installation in Denver by calling out a surveyor to establish property lines between homes.
Unless the neighbors agree, never build a fence on the property line. The City of Denver considers both parties equally financially responsible for the upkeep, maintenance fees, repairs, and other costs when fences sit directly on property lines.
If the neighbors are not interested in sharing fence responsibility, you should move back its location about six inches on your side of the property. This allows for settling without encroaching on the neighbor’s property.
3 Ways to Build a Neighbor-Friendly Fence
Whether you want a fence designed for style, function, or affordability, the dozens of neighbor-friendly fencing choices give homeowners everything they want or need to customize their homes. Most fences offer a combination of different qualities, eliminating the need to make any sacrifices.
Check out three ways to build a neighbor-friendly fence below, then reach out to our Denver fencing experts when you’re ready.
1. Lattice Fencing
Eye-catching appeal, lattice fencing offers moderate privacy and tons of charm to any property. Denverites often place lattice fences up as a way to define their yard or garden without creating a total boundary.
Lattice fences allow light and air onto the property without sacrificing privacy from the outside world. The board is thinner than other fence styles and thus may offer a shorter lifetime than other neighbor-friendly fence styles.
2. Woven Wood
This fence style uses horizontal boards that rotate back and forth to create a basket-weave design. Vertical spacer boards separate the boards. The spacer boards generally curve which gives the fence its woven look.
Woven fences share the same design on each side. Although woven fences in Denver aren’t as common as other fence styles, most homeowners welcome them into the yards, excited to bring a unique look to their homes.
3. Board-on-Board
A favorite here in the office, the Board-on-Board neighbor-friendly fence style has a calm, relaxed look and feel about it that others simply do not offer. Its awesome style and moderate privacy make the Board-on-Board fence popular here in Denver.
This fence style uses alternating fence boards on either side of the fence. It allows light and air onto the property but keeps out nosey people and others who should not be around.
Each side of the board-on-board fence looks exactly the same. No one gets a bad side and everyone is happy with the exquisite charm and laid-back appeal the fence creates on both properties.
Fence Pros in Denver
Maintain harmony with the neighbors by using neighbor-friendly fencing styles, available when you contact Denco Fencing for fence installation.

Need an expert opinion? Talk to our experts today!
When you talk to our experts at Denco Fence Company, we’ll help you compare fence styles, share design ideas, and answer any questions along the way. If you’re looking to build or repair a fence that you and your neighbors are going to love, get a free estimate and let us help bring your project to life.