Fencing disputes between neighbors arise commonly in Denver. One of the biggest disputes between neighbors involves property lines. Disputes regarding fencing can turn bitter fairly quickly, especially if encroachment issues occur. A fence that extends even ¼” over a property line can cause big trouble. Avoid fencing disputes by taking proactive steps before, during, and after Denver fence installation.
Along with hiring expert fence installers, learn more about fencing laws and rules and regulations within Denver County. Expert fence installers take most of the hard work out of fence installation in Denver but knowing information firsthand is just as beneficial.
Familiarizing yourself with this information can save time, money, and hassle and ensure proper fence installation in Denver that meets all requirements outlined in the city. Questions? Concerns? Call Denco for help.
What is a Fence?
A fence is typically thought of as a structure used to divide property or protect a home or business. And while this certainly qualifies as a fence, Colorado law considers a fence ANY marker that separates two properties. This means the property line in and of itself is considered a “fence.” Do not allow this to cause you confusion as a homeowner.
Where to Install a Fence
Many people think they should always install a fence on a property line but this is not always the case. Installing a fence on a property line is probably a bad idea, especially in Denver County or nearby areas. You’ll need permission from the neighbor to install a fence. If they agree, they’re partial owners of the fence and have a say so in the design, maintenance, and upkeep costs. If they do not agree, move back the fence two to eight inches from the property line to stay safe and the fence is your property and responsibility.
Installing a fence on a property line without the explicit consent of the neighbor can result in legal disputes, fines, and of course, angst between those whom you live beside. We never want an enemy in our neighbors! Make sure a contract is written explicitly stating who owns and is responsible for the fence to avoid disputes and future headaches.
TIP: Sure, the current neighbors are cool with whatever you want to do, but should they move, future neighbors may not be as understanding. Always complete a contract to avoid issues in the future.
Encroachment issues can cause a lot of problems between otherwise friendly neighbors. That is why it is important to build the fence as far back from the property line as possible. Should the fence encroach on the neighbor’s property, even by a ¼”, the City of Denver can require the fence to be torn down or force homeowners to pay steep fines each day.
Learn more about encroachment issues, fence permits, and property lines by referring to the Colorado Revised Statute Title 35. Agriculture § 35-46-112. Familiarizing yourself with the statutes recorded here will save time and ensure proper fence installation in Denver.
When You Need a Fencing Permit
Most fence installation projects can be completed without any permits from the city. This is true when:
- Front lawn fences should be no more than 4′ tall and should not impact the visibility of the neighbors or restrict public right-of-way in any way.
- Back lawn fences should be no taller than 6′.
Should you want to install a fence taller than these heights, you may be required to obtain special permission from the city. Permits and design plans are also necessary for fences taller than these numbers.
What You Should Know About Boundary Lines & Fence Installation in Denver
If you are unsure where the property lines are located, or to be safe and avoid any potential disputes, determine boundary lines before fence installation begins. Check the folder of information given to you during the home purchase to learn the exact boundary line. The county deed can also provide you with this information. If neither of these is available, hire a land surveyor to conduct a land survey. This may seem like a lot of work but it definitely helps in the long run since it reduces fence disputes in Denver.
Regulations set forth by the City of Denver, as described above, should be accurately followed. Do not forget homeowner’s association (HOA) rules and regulations may also stipulate the building of your fence. It’s important to learn the rules the HOA has set for factors like the style, height, and visibility requirements. The HOA can impose stiff fines and penalties if the rules are not correctly followed. Learn all of the HOA rules before calling us for fence installation in Denver.
Your Responsibilities as a Denver Fence Owner
Keep the area near the fence free of weeds and tall grass -even if it stretches over onto the neighbor’s property- if there is no agreement between you. It is your fence and your responsibility to maintain the area if the neighbor does not agree. Making sure the lawn looks great on both sides of the fence is the neighborly thing to do and can drastically cut down on disputes.
Reach Out to the Experts
Consulting with experts is the best way to prevent fence disputes with the neighbors and ensure efficient, correct fence installation in Denver. Many experts come together to make this happen, such as:
- Realtors
- Local government agencies
- HOA committee memes
- Neighbors
- Denco, the Denver fence installation experts
All of these experts can guide you on property lines and fence installation, fence height and size, materials, and other considerations for your fencing.
Additional information to keep in mind during fence installation in Denver:
- Do not construct fences on a public right-of-way, including streets, alleys, tree lawn areas, and sidewalks.
- Fences must be at least six-inch back from public sidewalks.
- The maximum height for fences in front lawns is 4′ while backyard height can extend up to 6′ tall.
Property Lines & Fence Installation in Denver
There is a lot of information to know before fence installation in Denver. That is why familiarizing yourself with local regulations and statutes is important. More so, you need an expert fence installation contractor by your side. Fence contractors like the experts at Denco understand laws and can ensure your fence does not encroach onto the neighbor’s property or cause other concerns.
If you need more information concerning property lines and fence installation in Denver or want to schedule installation, give us a call today at 303.223.6902.

Need an expert opinion? Talk to our experts today!
When you talk to our experts at Denco Fence Company, we’ll help you compare fence styles, share design ideas, and answer any questions along the way. If you’re looking to build or repair a fence that you and your neighbors are going to love, get a free estimate and let us help bring your project to life.